Support CHILDREN'S Forr贸 Workshops & Classes

1) 馃SUMMARY: Subsidise (partially or fully) forr贸 classes for children, starting with festivals and then regular classes. 2) 馃棷锔廌ETAILED IDEA: *CONTEXT:* The forr贸 community in Europe is maturing. Many people who started forr贸 in their 20s now have small families, which makes it difficult to participate in festivals. At the same time if the community is to embed itself outside Brazil it must attract the next generation, meaning creating opportunities for children to learn forr贸, even through quadrilha or similar set dances. There are a handful of children's forr贸 classes in Europe, including that provided by Le P'tit Bal Perdu in France, but it is not common. *WHAT is the objective?* - Increase the level of festival participation by families - Increase the number of forr贸 activities and classes in Europe for children - Provide opportunities for existing forr贸 teachers to learn how to teach children, and guidance on any local regulations with regard to child safety *Steps:* - Identify a leader conduct research and coordinate with stakeholders - Conduct a survey to estimate demand from parents - Identify & approach individuals who are currently teaching forr贸 to children - arrange online workshops and idea sessions to provide guidance to those who wish to do this - identify festival organisers willing to introduce child-specific classes to their schedules 3) 鈩癸笍*NOTES / WHAT HAPPENS IF THIS IDEA GETS UPVOTED* It is part of this proposal to conduct research and assess demand for these workshops and classes, and to find out all of the obstacles. Therefore a leader must be identified from the community who feels passionately, whom the Federation can support with initial funding & other resources.

European Forr贸 Federation - FOFED posted about 1 year ago

